
War is like you are a pumpkin
And it is Halloween
War cuts you off at the stem
So you cannot grow any more
War is like you are a pumpkin
And it is Halloween
War cuts the top off of you
War carves you out, scoops out your insides
War is like you are a pumpkin
And it is Halloween
Your soul is like those pumpkin insides (they scooped your soul out too)
War throws your heart in the trash
War is like you are a pumpkin
And it is Halloween
War carves you out, war carves your face
Then gives you a fake smile
War is like you are a pumpkin
And it is Halloween
They put a fake light inside of you
It glows, but always goes out
A light that is not yours
War is like you are a pumpkin
And it is Halloween

E. D. is in 6th grade and likes to write poetry. He also likes basketball, building things, and reading. He lives in the Philadelphia area and has read all of Rick Riordan’s books twice. He wrote this poem after listening to a lecture by a veteran